Maidren Rua

Πήρα το παρακάτω μήνυμα σήμερα από μια καλή φίλη και το δημοσιεύω όπως ήρθε. Maidren Rua στα ιρλανδικά σημαίνει «μικρό κόκκινο σκυλί».

Maidren was barely 4 months old when I packed her with some belongings into my Jeep and left San Antonio to spend several years living, working and playing on the Navajo Reservation. She spent those years running in the mesa above our trailer, running after rabbit and birds and anything that came her way. She became quite well know when she started her band called the Rez Dogs! Her band was asked to play at Chelsea Clintons birthday when she came to New Mexico with her mother those many years ago.

I would have meetings at the Chapter House on the Rez, and while I was meeting, Maidren would run off with the kids and help herd the Rez sheep and cattle. She came running all smelly and happy when I called her.

When we returned to San Antonio, I spent a lot of time at the Childrens Inn in Boerne (home for medically fragile children). Maidren would let the kids hang all over her, and the little guys would ride her. She never complained. I remember well the little girls with cerebral palsy who could not speak and was mostly paralyzed. The one thing she could do was pet Maidren and she would do that for hours with Maidren sitting quietly by her side.

Maidren lived a wonderful life and brought happiness to many many people as well as to myself.  To say the very least it has been a difficult couple of months with the loss of Hubble in May and now Maidren. I also lost my Nazhonii (12 years old) to cancer last November.  So the house is a little quieter and Orbit and I are “bonding” , both of us a little confused and grieving in our own ways.


2 thoughts on “Maidren Rua

  1. Έχασα την Poly Cat, ένα γατάκι μόλις 8 μηνών πριν από ένα μήνα, ξαφνικά, έπειτα από επέμβαση ρουτίνας. Όπως λέει κι ο ποιητής “τα ζωά σε αντίθεση με τον άνθρωπο δεν διώχθηκαν ποτέ απ’ τον παράδεισο”.

  2. Έχασα την Poly Cat, ένα γατάκι μόλις 8 μηνών πριν από ένα μήνα, ξαφνικά, έπειτα από επέμβαση ρουτίνας. Όπως λέει κι ο ποιητής “τα ζωά σε αντίθεση με τον άνθρωπο δεν διώχθηκαν ποτέ απ’ τον παράδεισο”.

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